Bill Bragg resides in Kelowna with his wife Carol and has been an active painter for the past forty years. He began his artistic journey at the Ontario College of Art in the early 1960’s where he focused on life drawing, painting and printmaking. After a successful career in the Canadian museum field, Bill and Carol moved to the Okanagan so that Bill could pursue his painting full time. Bragg’s approach to painting evolved out of the Abstract Expressionism movement which dominated the international art scene throughout the 1940’s and 50’s. One of Bill’s most influential instructors was Jock McDonald, a principle figure in Painters Eleven, an influential Canadian Painting group based in Toronto. Bills painting has passed through many different approaches to abstraction, however, he always seems to return to the figure as the basis of his composition. Although at times it may be hard to define the anatomy, the image emerges from the abstract evoking a sense of both familiarity and mystery. His colour and texture suggest a distant era; one of romance and spiritualism.
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